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HCPL-7800 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: HCPL-7800
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内容描述: 高CMR隔离放大器 [High CMR Isolation Amplifiers]
分类和应用: 隔离放大器放大器电路光电二极管分离技术隔离技术
文件页数/大小: 18 页 / 375 K
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Circuit Information  
µF capacitors close to the  
exhibit better offset performance  
than op-amps with JFET or  
MOSFET input stages.  
The recommended application  
circuit is shown in Figure 26. A  
floating power supply (which in  
many applications could be the  
same supply that is used to drive  
the high-side power transistor) is  
regulated to 5 V using a simple  
three-terminal voltage regulator.  
The input of the HCPL-7800 is  
connected directly to the current  
sensing resistor. The differential  
output of the isolation amplifier is minimize any stray coupling by  
converted to a ground-referenced maintaining the maximum  
single-ended output voltage with a possible distance between the  
simple differential amplifier  
circuit. Although the application  
circuit is relatively simple, a few  
general recommendations should  
be followed to ensure optimal  
isolation amplifier. In either case,  
it is recommended that twisted-  
pair wire be used to connect the  
isolation amplifier to the current-  
sensing resistor to minimize  
electro-magnetic interference of  
the sense signal.  
In addition, the op-amp should  
also have enough bandwidth and  
slew rate so that it does not  
adversely affect the response  
speed of the overall circuit. The  
post-amplifier circuit includes a  
pair of capacitors (C5 and C6)  
that form a single-pole low-pass  
filter; these capacitors allow the  
bandwidth of the post-amp to be  
adjusted independently of the gain  
and are useful for reducing the  
output noise from the isolation  
amplifier. Many different op-amps  
could be used in the circuit,  
To obtain optimal CMR perfor-  
mance, the layout of the printed  
circuit board (PCB) should  
input and output sides of the  
circuit and ensuring that any  
ground plane on the PCB does not  
pass directly below the HCPL-  
7800. An example single-sided  
PCB layout for the recommended  
application circuit is shown in  
Figure 29. The trace pattern is  
shown in “X-ray” view as it would  
including: MC34082A (Motorola),  
TL032A, TLO52A, and TLC277  
(Texas Instruments), LF412A  
(National Semiconductor).  
As shown in Figure 26, 0.1 µF  
bypass capacitors should be  
located as close as possible to the be seen from the top of the PCB;  
The gain-setting resistors in the  
post-amp should have a tolerance  
of 1% or better to ensure  
input and output power supply  
pins of the HCPL-7800. Notice  
that pin 2 (VIN+) is bypassed with  
a 0.01 µF capacitor to reduce  
input offset voltage that can be  
caused by the combination of  
a mirror image of this layout can  
be used to generate a PCB.  
adequate CMRR and adequate  
gain tolerance for the overall  
circuit. Resistor networks can be  
used that have much better ratio  
tolerances than can be achieved  
using discrete resistors. A resistor  
network also reduces the total  
number of components for the  
circuit as well as the required  
board space.  
An inexpensive 78L05 three-  
terminal regulator is shown in the  
recommended application circuit.  
long input leads and the switched- Because the performance of the  
capacitor nature of the input  
isolation amplifier can be affected  
by changes in the power supply  
voltages, using regulators with  
tighter output voltage tolerances  
will result in better overall circuit  
performance. Many different  
regulators that provide tighter  
output voltage tolerances than the  
78L05 can be used, including:  
TL780-05 (Texas Instruments),  
LM340LAZ-5.0 and LP2950CZ-  
5.0 (National Semiconductor).  
With pin 3 (V ) tied directly to  
pin 4 (GND1), the power-supply  
return line also functions as the  
sense line for the negative side of  
the current-sensing resistor; this  
allows a single twisted pair of  
wire to connect the isolation  
amplifier to the sense resistor. In  
some applications, however,  
better performance may be  
The current-sensing resistor  
should have a relatively low value  
of resistance to minimize power  
dissipation, a fairly low  
inductance to accurately reflect  
high-frequency signal compo-  
nents, and a reasonably tight  
tolerance to maintain overall  
circuit accuracy. Although  
decreasing the value of the sense  
resistor decreases power  
dissipation, it also decreases the  
full-scale input voltage making  
iso-amp offset voltage effects  
more significant. These two  
obtained by connecting pins 2  
The op-amp used in the external  
post-amplifier circuit should be of  
sufficiently high precision so that  
it does not contribute a significant  
amount of offset or offset drift  
relative to the contribution from  
and 3 (VIN+ and V ) directly  
across the sense resistor with  
twisted pair wire and using a  
separate wire for the power  
supply return line. Both input  
pins should be bypassed with 0.01 the isolation amplifier. Generally,  
op-amps with bipolar input stages  