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10833C 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 10833C
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Wire And Cable, Communication Cable,]
分类和应用: 连接器连接器支架
文件页数/大小: 29 页 / 2391 K
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34420A Nanovolt/Micro-ohm meter.  
Nanovolt performance at a Microvolt price...  
•7.5 digits of resolution  
•100 pV/100 nof sensitivity  
•8nVpp noise  
•Built-in two channel  
dcV scanner  
•ITS-90 temperature,  
including SPRTs  
Take the uncertainty out of your  
low-level measurements  
More measurements  
for your money  
When every nanovolt counts, look to  
the 34420A for its low-noise, accuracy,  
and reliability. Low-noise input  
Most existing nanovoltmeters measure  
only nanovolts. However, the 34420A  
provides a more complete solution for  
meeting your low-level needs. We’ve  
added a high precision current source  
to enable resistance measurements  
from 100 nto 1 M, all without the  
hassle and expense of an external  
supply. We’ve also included ITS-90  
conversion routines so you can read  
thermocouples, thermistors, and  
RTDs—even SPRTs— directly in  
amplifiers and a highly tuned input  
protection scheme bring reading noise  
down to 8nVpp—half that of other  
nanovolt meters in its class. Now  
add 100 pV/100 nof sensitivity,  
2 ppm basic 24-hr dcV accuracy, and  
7.5 digits of resolution, and you’ve got  
accurate, repeatable measurements  
you can rely on month after month.  
degrees. And if that isn’t enough, a  
built-in two channel scanner allows  
automated dcV ratio and difference  
measurements. Better still, the  
34420A offers all this functionality for  
less than what you are used to paying  
for nanovolt-only products.  