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ADM1026JST 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ADM1026JST
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内容描述: 完整的散热和系统管理控制器 [Complete Thermal and System Management Controller]
分类和应用: 控制器
文件页数/大小: 56 页 / 634 K
品牌: ADI [ ADI ]
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The ADC uses the internal 22.5 kHz clock, which has a toler-  
ance of 6%, so the worst-case monitoring cycle time is 290 ms.  
The fan speed measurement uses a completely separate  
monitoring loop, as described later.  
Limit Values  
Limit values for analog measurements are stored in the appropri  
ate limit registers. In the case of voltage measurements, high and  
low limits can be stored so that an interrupt request is generated  
if the measured value goes above or below acceptable values. In  
the case of temperature, a hot temperature or high limit can be  
programmed, and a hot temperature hysteresis or low limit can  
be programmed, which is usually some degrees lower. This can  
be useful because it allows the system to be shut down when the  
hot limit is exceeded, and restarted automatically when it has  
cooled down to a safe temperature.  
Input Safety  
Scaling of the analog inputs is performed on-chip, so external  
attenuators are typically not required. However, because the  
power supply voltages appear directly at the pins, it is advisable  
to add small external resistors (that is, 500 Ω) in series with the  
supply traces to the chip to prevent damaging the traces or  
power supplies should an accidental short such as a probe  
connect two power supplies together.  
Analog Monitoring Cycle Time  
The analog monitoring cycle begins when a 1 is written to the  
start bit (Bit 0), and a 0 to the INT_Clear bit (Bit 2) of the con-  
figuration register. INT_Enable (Bit 1) should be set to 1 to  
Because the resistors form part of the input attenuators, they  
affect the accuracy of the analog measurement if their value  
is too high. The worst such accident would be connecting  
−12 V to +12 V where there is a total of 24 V difference. With  
the series resistors, this would draw a maximum current of  
approximately 24 mA.  
enable the  
output. The ADC measures each analog input in  
turn, starting with Remote Temperature Channel 1 and ending  
with local temperature. As each measurement is completed, the  
result is automatically stored in the appropriate value register.  
This round-robin monitoring cycle continues until it is disabled  
by writing a 0 to Bit 0 of the configuration register. Because the  
ADC is typically left to free-run in this way, the most recently  
measured value of any input can be read out at any time.  
The ADM1026 has a single analog output from an unsigned  
8-bit DAC that produces 0 V to 2.5 V (independent of the refer-  
ence voltage setting). The input data for this DAC is contained  
in the DAC control register (Address 04h). The DAC control  
register defaults to FFh during a power-on reset, which pro-  
duces maximum fan speed. The analog output may be amplified  
and buffered with external circuitry such as an op amp and a  
transistor to provide fan speed control. During automatic fan  
speed control, described later, the four MSBs of this register set  
the minimum fan speed.  
For applications where the monitoring cycle time is important,  
it can easily be calculated.  
The total number of channels measured is  
Five dedicated supply voltage inputs  
Ten general-purpose analog inputs  
3.3 V MAIN  
3.3 V STBY  
Local temperature  
Suitable fan drive circuits are shown in Figure 36 through  
Figure 40. When using any of these circuits, note the following:  
Two remote temperature  
All of these circuits provide an output range from 0 V to  
almost +12 V, apart from Figure 36, which loses the base-  
emitter voltage drop of Q1 due to the emitter-follower  
Pins 28 and 27 are measured both as analog inputs AIN8/AIN9 and  
as remote temperature input D2+/D2−, irrespective of which  
configuration is selected for these pins.  
To amplify the 2.5 V range of the analog output up to 12 V,  
the gain of these circuits needs to be about 4.8.  
Take care when choosing the op amp to ensure that its  
input common-mode range and output voltage swing are  
The op amp may be powered from the +12 V rail alone  
or from 12 V. If it is powered from +12 V, the input  
common-mode range should include ground to accom-  
modate the minimum output voltage of the DAC, and the  
output voltage should swing below 0.6 V to ensure that the  
transistor can be turned fully off.  
If Pins 28 and 27 are configured as AIN8/AIN9, the measurements  
for these channels are stored in Registers 27h and 29h, and the  
invalid temperature measurement is discarded. On the other  
hand, if Pins 28 and 27 are configured as D2+/D2−, the temper-  
ature measurement is stored in Register 29h, and there is no  
valid result in Register 27h.  
As mentioned previously, the ADC performs a conversion every  
711 µs on the analog and local temperature inputs and every  
2.13 ms on the remote temperature inputs. Each input is  
measured 16 times and averaged to reduce noise.  
If the op amp is powered from −12 V, precautions such as  
a clamp diode to ground may be needed to prevent the  
base-emitter junction of the output transistor being  
reverse-biased in the unlikely event that the output of  
the op amp should swing negative for any reason.  
The total monitoring cycle time for voltage and temperature  
inputs is therefore nominally  
(18 × 16 × 0.711) + (2 × 16 × 2.13) = 273 ms  
Rev. A | Page 22 of 56  