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AD7714AR-5 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AD7714AR-5
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内容描述: 3 V / 5 V , CMOS , 500微安信号调理ADC [3 V/5 V, CMOS, 500 uA Signal Conditioning ADC]
文件页数/大小: 40 页 / 308 K
品牌: ADI [ ADI ]
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The part also offers ZS Self-Calibration and FS Self-Calibration  
options. In these cases, the part performs just a zero-scale or  
full-scale calibration respectively and not a full calibration of the  
part. A full-scale calibration should not be carried out unless  
the part contains valid zero-scale coefficients. These calibrations  
are initiated on the AD7714 by writing the appropriate values  
(1, 1, 0 for ZS Self-Calibration and 1, 1, 1 for FS Self Calibra-  
tion) to the MD2, MD1 and MD0 bits of the Mode Register.  
The zero-scale or full-scale calibration is exactly the same as  
that described for the full self-calibration. In these cases, the  
duration of the calibration is 3 × 1/Output Rate. At this time the  
MD2, MD1 and MD0 bits in the Mode Register return to  
0, 0, 0. This gives the earliest indication that the calibration  
sequence is complete. The DRDY line goes high when calibra-  
tion is initiated and does not return low until there is a valid  
new word in the data register. The time from the calibration  
command being issued to DRDY going low is 6 × 1/Output  
Rate. This is made up of 3 × 1/Output Rate for the zero-scale or  
full-scale calibration and 3 × 1/Output Rate for a conversion on  
the analog input. If DRDY is low before (or goes low during)  
the calibration command write to the Mode Register, it may  
take up to one modulator cycle (MCLK IN/128) before DRDY  
goes high to indicate that calibration is in progress. Therefore,  
DRDY should be ignored for up to one modulator cycle after  
the last bit of the calibration command is written to the Mode  
The time from the calibration command being issued to DRDY  
going low is 4 × 1/Output Rate. This is made up of 3 × 1/Output  
Rate for the zero-scale system calibration and 1/Output Rate for  
a conversion on the analog input. This conversion on the analog  
input is on the same voltage as the zero-scale system calibration  
and, therefore, the resultant word in the data register from this  
conversion should be a zero-scale reading. If DRDY is low  
before (or goes low during) the calibration command write to  
the Mode Register, it may take up to one modulator cycle  
(MCLK IN/128) before DRDY goes high to indicate that cali-  
bration is in progress. Therefore, DRDY should be ignored for  
up to one modulator cycle after the last bit of the calibration  
command is written to the Mode Register.  
After the zero-scale point is calibrated, the full-scale point is  
applied to AIN and the second step of the calibration process is  
initiated by again writing the appropriate values (0, 1, 1) to  
MD2, MD1 and MD0. Again the full-scale voltage must be set  
up before the calibration is initiated, and it must remain stable  
throughout the calibration step. The full-scale system calibra-  
tion is performed at the selected gain. The duration of the cali-  
bration is 3 × 1/Output Rate. At this time, the MD2, MD1 and  
MD0 bits in the Mode Register return to 0, 0, 0. This gives the  
earliest indication that the calibration sequence is complete. The  
DRDY line goes high when calibration is initiated and does not  
return low until there is a valid new word in the data register.  
The time from the calibration command being issued to DRDY  
going low is 4 × 1/Output Rate. This is made up of 3 × 1/Out-  
put Rate for the full-scale system calibration and 1/Output Rate  
for a conversion on the analog input. This conversion on the  
analog input is on the same voltage as the full-scale system  
calibration and, therefore, the resultant word in the data register  
from this conversion should be a full-scale reading. If DRDY is  
low before (or goes low during) the calibration command write  
to the Mode Register, it may take up to one modulator cycle  
(MCLK IN/128) before DRDY goes high to indicate that cali-  
bration is in progress. Therefore, DRDY should be ignored for  
up to one modulator cycle after the last bit of the calibration  
command is written to the Mode Register.  
The fact that the self-calibration can be performed as a two step  
calibration offers another feature. After the sequence of a full  
self calibration has been completed, additional offset or gain  
calibrations can be performed by themselves to adjust the part’s  
zero point or gain. Calibrating one of the parameters, either  
offset or gain, will not affect the other parameter.  
System Calibration  
System calibration allows the AD7714 to compensate for system  
gain and offset errors as well as its own internal errors. System  
calibration performs the same slope factor calculations as self-  
calibration but uses voltage values presented by the system to  
the AIN inputs for the zero- and full-scale points. Full System  
calibration requires a two-step process, a ZS System Calibration  
followed by a FS System Calibration.  
In the unipolar mode, the system calibration is performed  
between the two endpoints of the transfer function; in the bipo-  
lar mode, it is performed between midscale (zero differential  
voltage) and positive full scale.  
For a full system calibration, the zero-scale point must be pre-  
sented to the converter first. It must be applied to the converter  
before the calibration step is initiated and remain stable until the  
step is complete. Once the system zero scale has been set up at  
the analog input, a ZS System Calibration is then initiated by  
writing the appropriate values (0, 1, 0) to the MD2, MD1 and  
MD0 bits of the Mode Register. The zero-scale system calibra-  
tion is performed at the selected gain. The duration of the cali-  
bration is 3 × 1/Output Rate. At this time, the MD2, MD1 and  
MD0 bits in the Mode Register return to 0, 0, 0. This gives the  
earliest indication that the calibration sequence is complete. The  
DRDY line goes high when calibration is initiated and does not  
return low until there is a valid new word in the data register.  
The fact that the system calibration is a two step calibration  
offers another feature. After the sequence of a full system cali-  
bration has been completed, additional offset or gain calibra-  
tions can be performed by themselves to adjust the system zero  
reference point or the system gain. Calibrating one of the  
parameters, either system offset or system gain, will not affect  
the other parameter. A full-scale calibration should not be car-  
ried out unless the part contains valid zero-scale coefficients.  
System calibration can also be used to remove any errors from  
source impedances on the analog input when the part is used in  
unbuffered mode. A simple R, C antialiasing filter on the front  
end may introduce a gain error on the analog input voltage but  
the system calibration can be used to remove this error.  
REV. C  