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AD724JR 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AD724JR
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内容描述: RGB转NTSC / PAL编码器 [RGB to NTSC/PAL Encoder]
分类和应用: 编码器
文件页数/大小: 15 页 / 209 K
品牌: ADI [ ADI ]
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The VM700A has a special measurement mode that enables it  
to directly measure the frequency of one subcarrier in a video  
waveform with respect to an internally stored reference or a  
simultaneously supplied reference. The instrument gives a read-  
ing of the relative frequencies of the reference and test signals in  
units of 0.1 Hz. This is not a direct reading of the subcarrier  
frequency in MHz but a relative reading in Hz of the difference  
in frequency between the two signals.  
The crystal should be a parallel resonant type at the appropriate  
frequency (NTSC or PAL, 1FSC or 4FSC). The series combi-  
nation of C1 and C2 should be approximately equal to the crys-  
tal manufacturer’s specification for the parallel capacitance  
required for the crystal to operate at its specified frequency. C1  
will usually want to be a somewhat smaller value because of the  
input parasitic capacitance of the inverter. If it is desired to tune  
the frequency to greater accuracy, C1 can be made still smaller  
and a parallel adjustable capacitor can be used to adjust the  
frequency to the desired accuracy.  
If the reference video source is supplied by a video generator  
that has a CW subcarrier output, its CW subcarrier can be  
measured with a frequency counter to accurately determine its  
frequency. The AD724 circuit under test can then be measured  
relative to this reference by using the built in color burst mea-  
suring function of the VM700A, and the offset frequency  
measured can be added to or subtracted from the measured  
frequency of the CW subcarrier to determine the operating  
frequency of the DUT.  
Resistor R2 serves to provide the additional phase shift  
required by the circuit to sustain oscillation. It can be sized by  
R2 = 1/(2 × π × f × C2). Other functions of R2 are to provide a  
low-pass filter that suppresses oscillations at harmonics of the  
fundamental of the crystal, and to isolate the output of the in-  
verter from the strange load that the crystal network presents.  
The basic oscillator described above is buffered by U1B to drive  
the AD724 FIN pin and other devices in the system. For a  
system that requires both an NTSC and PAL oscillator, the  
circuit can be duplicated by using a different pair of inverters  
from the same package.  
It should be noted that the VM700A is a highly specialized  
video measurement instrument. In order for it to synchronize  
on a video signal, the synchronization pattern of the signal must  
adhere very closely to the appropriate video standard. In par-  
ticular, a video signal that is missing equalization and serration  
pulses from the vertical blanking interval will cause the “Loss of  
Sync” message to be displayed by the VM700A. Many such  
signals might make a perfectly acceptable picture on a monitor,  
but will not be recognized by the VM700A.  
Dot Crawl  
Numerous distortions are apparent in the presentation of com-  
posite signals on TV monitors. These effects will vary in degree,  
depending on the circuitry used by the monitor to process the  
signal, and on the nature of the image being displayed. It is  
generally not possible to produce pictures on a composite moni-  
tor that are as high quality as those produced by standard qual-  
ity RGB, VGA monitors.  
Low Cost Crystal Oscillator  
If a crystal is used with the on-chip oscillator of the AD724,  
there will be no CW clock available that can be used elsewhere  
in the system: the only AD724 signals that output this fre-  
quency are the chrome and composite that have only colorburst  
and chrominance at the subcarrier frequency. These cannot be  
used for clocking other devices.  
One well known distortion of composite video images is called  
dot crawl. It shows up as a moving dot pattern at the interface  
between two areas of different color. It is caused by the inability  
of the monitor circuitry to adequately separate the luminance  
and chrominance signals.  
A low cost oscillator can be made to provide a CW clock that  
can be used to drive both the AD724 FIN and other devices in  
the system that require a clock at this frequency. In addition,  
the same technique can be used to make a clock signal at a  
4FSC, which might be required by other devices and can also  
be used to drive the FIN pin of the AD724.  
One way to prevent dot crawl is to use a video signal with sepa-  
rate luminance and chrominance. Such a signal is referred to as  
S-video or Y/C video. Since the luminance and chrominance are  
already separated, the monitor does not have to perform this  
function. The S-Video outputs of the AD724 can be used to  
create higher quality pictures when there is an S-Video input  
available on the monitor.  
Figure 18 shows a circuit that uses one inverter of a 74HC04  
package to create a crystal oscillator and another inverter to  
buffer the oscillator and drive other loads. The logic family  
must be a CMOS type that can support the frequency of opera-  
tion, and it must NOT be a Schmitt trigger type of inverter.  
Resistor R1 from input to output of U1A linearizes the inverter’s  
gain so it provides useful gain and a 180 degree phase shift to  
drive the oscillator.  
In a VGA conversion application, where the software controlled  
registers are correctly set, two techniques are commonly used by  
VGA controller manufacturers to generate the interlaced signal.  
Each of these techniques introduces a unique characteristic into  
the display created by the AD724. The artifacts described below  
are not due to the encoder or its encoding algorithm as all en-  
coders will generate the same display when presented with these  
inputs. They are due to the method used by the controller dis-  
play chip to convert a noninterlaced output to an interlaced  
TO PIN 3  
OF AD724  
The first interlacing technique outputs a true interlaced signal  
with odd and even fields (one each to a frame Figure 19a). This  
provides the best picture quality when displaying photography,  
CD video and animation (games, etc.). It will, however intro-  
duce a defect, commonly referred to as flicker, into the display.  
Figure 18. Low Cost Crystal Oscillator  
REV. B  