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5962-89805012A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 5962-89805012A
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内容描述: 集成电路真RMS至DC转换器 [Integrated Circuit True RMS-to-DC Converter]
分类和应用: 转换器模拟特殊功能转换器
文件页数/大小: 8 页 / 152 K
品牌: ADI [ ADI ]
 浏览型号5962-89805012A的Datasheet PDF文件第1页浏览型号5962-89805012A的Datasheet PDF文件第2页浏览型号5962-89805012A的Datasheet PDF文件第3页浏览型号5962-89805012A的Datasheet PDF文件第5页浏览型号5962-89805012A的Datasheet PDF文件第6页浏览型号5962-89805012A的Datasheet PDF文件第7页浏览型号5962-89805012A的Datasheet PDF文件第8页  
The input and output signal ranges are a function of the supply  
voltages; these ranges are shown in Figure 14. The AD536A can  
also be used in an unbuffered voltage output mode by discon-  
necting the input to the buffer. The output then appears unbuf-  
fered across the 25 kresistor. The buffer amplifier can then be  
used for other purposes. Further the AD536A can be used in a  
current output mode by disconnecting the 25 kresistor from  
ground. The output current is available at Pin 8 (Pin 10 on the  
Hpackage) with a nominal scale of 40 µA per volt rms input  
positive out.  
by using a resistive divider between +VS and ground. The values  
of the resistors can be increased in the interest of lowered power  
consumption, since only 5 mA of current flows into Pin 10  
(Pin 2 on the Hpackage). AC input coupling requires only  
capacitor C2 as shown; a dc return is not necessary as it is  
provided internally. C2 is selected for the proper low frequency  
break point with the input resistance of 16.7 k; for a cutoff at  
10 Hz, C2 should be 1 µF. The signal ranges in this connection  
are slightly more restricted than in the dual supply connection.  
The input and output signal ranges are shown in Figure 14. The  
load resistor, RL, is necessary to provide output sink current.  
If it is desired to improve the accuracy of the AD536A, the  
external trims shown in Figure 2 can be added. R4 is used to  
trim the offset. Note that the offset trim circuit adds 365 in  
series with the internal 25 kresistor. This will cause a 1.5%  
increase in scale factor, which is trimmed out by using R1 as  
shown. Range of scale factor adjustment is 1.5%.  
The trimming procedure is as follows:  
1. Ground the input signal, VIN, and adjust R4 to give zero  
volts output from Pin 6. Alternatively, R4 can be adjusted to  
give the correct output with the lowest expected value of VIN.  
2. Connect the desired full scale input level to VIN, either dc or  
a calibrated ac signal (1 kHz is the optimum frequency);  
then trim R1, to give the correct output from Pin 6, i.e.,  
1000 V dc input should give 1.000 V dc output. Of course, a  
1.000 V peak-to-peak sine wave should give a 0.707 V dc  
output. The remaining errors, as given in the specifications  
are due to the nonlinearity.  
Figure 3. Single Supply Connection  
The major advantage of external trimming is to optimize device  
performance for a reduced signal range; the AD536A is inter-  
nally trimmed for a 7 V rms full-scale range.  
The AD536A will compute the rms of both ac and dc signals.  
If the input is a slowly-varying dc signal, the output of the  
AD536A will track the input exactly. At higher frequencies, the  
average output of the AD536A will approach the rms value of  
the input signal. The actual output of the AD536A will differ  
from the ideal output by a dc (or average) error and some  
amount of ripple, as demonstrated in Figure 4.  
Figure 4. Typical Output Waveform for Sinusoidal Input  
Figure 2. Optional External Gain and Output Offset Trims  
The dc error is dependent on the input signal frequency and the  
value of CAV. Figure 5 can be used to determine the minimum  
value of CAV which will yield a given percent dc error above a  
given frequency using the standard rms connection.  
The applications in Figures l and 2 require the use of approxi-  
mately symmetrical dual supplies. The AD536A can also be  
used with only a single positive supply down to +5 volts, as  
shown in Figure 3. The major limitation of this connection is  
that only ac signals can be measured since the differential input  
stage must be biased off ground for proper operation. This  
biasing is done at Pin 10; thus it is critical that no extraneous  
signals be coupled into this point. Biasing can be accomplished  
The ac component of the output signal is the ripple. There are  
two ways to reduce the ripple. The first method involves using a  
large value of CAV. Since the ripple is inversely proportional to  
AV, a tenfold increase in this capacitance will affect a tenfold  
reduction in ripple. When measuring waveforms with high crest  
REV. B  