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5962-8871902MXA 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 5962-8871902MXA
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 单片12位四路DAC [Monolithic 12-Bit Quad DAC]
分类和应用: 转换器数模转换器信息通信管理
文件页数/大小: 23 页 / 671 K
品牌: ADI [ ADI ]
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Figure 29. AD664 in “Tester-per-Pin” Architecture  
“Tester-Per-Pin” ATE Architecture  
some software where the previous example would require only a  
single reset strobe signal!  
Figure 29 shows the AD664 used in a single channel of a digital  
test system. In this scheme, the AD664 supplies four individual  
output voltages. Two are provided to the VHIGH and VLOW in-  
puts of the AD345 pin driver I.C. to set the digital output levels.  
Two others are routed to the inputs of the AD96687 dual com-  
parator to supply reference levels of the readback features. This  
approach can be replicated to give as many channels of stimulus/  
readback as the tester has pins. The AD664 is a particularly  
appropriate choice for a large-scale system because the low  
power requirements (under 500 mW) ease power supply and  
cooling requirements. Analog ground currents of 600 µA or less  
make the ground current management task simpler. All DACs  
can be driven from the same system reference and will track  
over time and temperature. Finally, the small board area  
required by the AD664 (and AD345 and AD96687) allows a  
high functional density.  
Drawing scaling can be achieved by taking advantage of the  
AD664’s software programmable gain settings. If, for example,  
an “A” size drawing is created with gain settings of 1, then a  
“C” size drawing can be created by simply resetting all DAC  
gains to 2 and redrawing the object. Conversely, a “C” size  
drawing created with gains of 2 can be reduced to “A” size sim-  
ply by changing the gains to 1 and redrawing. The same princi-  
pal applies for conversion from “B” size to “D” size or “D” size  
to “B” size. The multiplying capability of the AD664 provides  
another scaling option. Changing the reference voltage provides  
a proportional change in drawing size. Inverting the reference  
voltage would invert the drawing.  
Swapping digital input data from the X channel to the Y chan-  
nel would rotate the drawing 90 degrees.  
X-Y Plotters  
Figure 30 is a block diagram of the control section of a  
microprocessor-controlled X-Y pen plotter. In this conceptual  
exercise, two of the DACs are used for the X-channel drive and  
two are used for the Y-channel drive. Each provides either the  
coarse or fine movement control for its respective channel. This  
approach offers increased resolution over some other approaches.  
A designer can take advantage of the reset feature of the AD664  
in the following manner. If the system is designed such that the  
“HOME” position of the pen (or galvanometer, beam, head or  
similar mechanism) results when the outputs of all of the DACs  
are at zero, then no system software is required to home the  
pen. A simple reset signal is sufficient.  
Figure 30. X-Y Plotter Block Diagram  
Similarly, the transparent feature could be used to the same  
end. One code can be sent to all DACs at the same time to send  
the pen to the home position. Of course, this would require  