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5962-8863002VX 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 5962-8863002VX
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内容描述: [IC INSTRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER, 150 uV OFFSET-MAX, 0.57 MHz BAND WIDTH, CDIP18, CERDIP-18, Instrumentation Amplifier]
分类和应用: 放大器
文件页数/大小: 22 页 / 244 K
品牌: ADI [ ADI ]
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External series resistors could be added to guard against higher  
voltage levels at the input, but resistors alone increase the input  
noise and degrade the signal-to-noise ratio, especially at high  
To maintain high reliability, the die temperature of any IC  
should be kept as low as practicable, preferably below 100°C.  
Although most AMP01 application circuits will produce very  
little internal heat — little more than the quiescent dissipation  
of 90 mW—some circuits will raise that to several hundred  
milliwatts (for example, the 4-20 mA current transmitter appli-  
cation, Figure 37). Excessive dissipation will cause thermal  
shutdown of the output stage thus protecting the device from  
damage. A heatsink is recommended in power applications to  
reduce the die temperature.  
Protection can also be achieved by connecting back-to-back  
9.1 V Zener diodes across the differential inputs. This technique  
does not affect the input noise level and can be used down to a  
gain of 2 with minimal increase in input current. Although  
voltage-clamping elements look like short circuits at the limiting  
voltage, the majority of signal sources provide less than 50 mA,  
producing power levels that are easily handled by low-power  
Several appropriate heatsinks are available; the Thermalloy  
6010B is especially easy to use and is inexpensive. Intended for  
dual-in-line packages, the heatsink may be attached with a  
cyanoacrylate adhesive. This heatsink reduces the thermal resis-  
tance between the junction and ambient environment to ap-  
proximately 80°C/W. Junction (die) temperature can then be  
calculated by using the relationship:  
Simultaneous connection of the differential inputs to a low  
impedance signal above 10 V during normal circuit operation is  
unlikely. However, additional protection involves adding 100 Ω  
current-limiting resistors in each signal path prior to the voltage  
clamp, the resistors increase the input noise level to just  
5.4 nV/Hz (refer to Figure 35).  
Input components, whether multiplexers or resistors, should be  
carefully selected to prevent the formation of thermocouple  
junctions that would degrade the input signal.  
Pd =  
where TJ and TA are the junction and ambient temperatures  
respectively, θJA is the thermal resistance from junction to ambi-  
ent, and Pd is the device’s internal dissipation.  
TO ؎30V  
Instrumentation amplifiers invariably sit at the front end of  
instrumentation systems where there is a high probability of  
exposure to overloads. Voltage transients, failure of a trans-  
ducer, or removal of the amplifier power supply while the signal  
source is connected may destroy or degrade the performance of  
an unprotected amplifier. Although it is impractical to protect  
an IC internally against connection to power lines, it is relatively  
easy to provide protection against typical system overloads.  
9.1V 1W  
The AMP01 is internally protected against overloads for gains  
of up to 100. At higher gains, the protection is reduced and  
some external measures may be required. Limited internal over-  
load protection is used so that noise performance would not be  
significantly degraded.  
Figure 35. Input Overvoltage Protection for Gains  
2 to 10,000  
Achieving the rated performance of precision amplifiers in a  
practical circuit requires careful attention to external influences.  
For example, supply noise and changes in the nominal voltage  
directly affect the input offset voltage. A PSR of 80 dB means  
that a change of 100 mV on the supply, not an uncommon  
value, will produce a 10 µV input offset change. Consequently,  
care should be taken in choosing a power unit that has a low  
output noise level, good line and load regulation, and good  
temperature stability.  
AMP01 noise level approaches the theoretical noise floor of the  
input stage which would be 4 nV/Hz at 1 kHz when the gain is  
set at 1000. Noise is the result of shot noise in the input devices  
and Johnson noise in the resistors. Resistor noise is calculated  
from the values of RG (200 at a gain of 1000) and the input  
protection resistors (250 ). Active loads for the input transis-  
tors contribute less than 1 nV/Hz of noise. The measured noise  
level is typically 5 nV/Hz.  
Diodes across the input transistor’s base-emitter junctions,  
combined with 250 input resistors and RG, protect against  
differential inputs of up to ±20 V for gains of up to 100. The  
diodes also prevent avalanche breakdown that would degrade  
the IB and IOS specifications. Decreasing the value of RG for  
gains above 100 limits the maximum input overload protection  
to ±10 V.  
REV. D  