Power Application Controller
18.3. UART Controller
The UART peripheral is a configurable peripheral that can support various features and modes of operation:
Programmable clock selection
National Instruments PC16550D compatible
16-deep transmit and receive FIFO and fractional clock divisor
Up to 3.125Mbps communication speed (with HCLK = 50MHz)
The UART peripheral may operate either by polling, or can be configured to be interrupt driven for both receive and
transmit data.
18.4. SPI Controller
The device contains an SPI controller that can each be used in either master or slave operation, with the following features:
SPI master operation
Control of up to three different SPI slaves
Operation up to 25MHz
Flexible multiple transmit mode for variable-size SPI data with user-defined chip-select behavior
Chip select “shaping” through programmable additional delay for chip-select setup, hold and wait time
for back-to-back transfers
SPI master or slave operation
Supports clock phase and polarity control
Data transmission/reception can be on 8-, 16-, 24- or 32-bit boundary
Selectable data bit ordering (LSB or MSB first)
Programmable chip select polarity
Selectable “auto-retransmit” mode
The SPI peripheral may operate either by polling, or can be configured to be interrupt driven for both receive and transmit
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Rev 2.0‒September 22, 2017