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A1010B-3VQ84C 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: A1010B-3VQ84C
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内容描述: ACT 1系列FPGA [ACT 1 Series FPGAs]
文件页数/大小: 24 页 / 163 K
品牌: ACTEL [ Actel Corporation ]
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The systems are available for 386/486/PentiumPC and for  
HPand Sunworkstations and for running Viewlogic®,  
Mentor Graphics®, Cadence, OrCAD, and Synopsys  
design environments.  
Figure 1 Partial View of an ACT 1 Device  
A C T 1 D e v i c e S t r u c t u r e  
A partial view of an ACT 1 device (Figure 1) depicts four logic  
modules and distributed horizontal and vertical interconnect  
tracks. PLICE antifuses, located at intersections of the  
horizontal and vertical tracks, connect logic module inputs  
and outputs. During programming, these antifuses are  
addressed and programmed to make the connections  
required by the circuit application.  
T h e A C T 1 L o g i c M o d u l e  
The ACT 1 logic module is an 8-input, one-output logic circuit  
chosen for the wide range of functions it implements and for  
its efficient use of interconnect routing resources (Figure 2).  
The logic module can implement the four basic logic  
functions (NAND, AND, OR, and NOR) in gates of two, three,  
or four inputs. Each function may have many versions, with  
different combinations of active-low inputs. The logic module  
can also implement a variety of D-latches, exclusivity  
functions, AND-ORs, and OR-ANDs. No dedicated hardwired  
latches or flip-flops are required in the array, since latches  
and flip-flops may be constructed from logic modules  
wherever needed in the application.  
Figure 2 ACT 1 Logic Module  
I /O B u f f e r s  
Each I/O pin is available as an input, output, three-state, or  
bidirectional buffer. Input and output levels are compatible  
with standard TTL and CMOS specifications. Outputs sink or  
1 -2 8 4  