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LNK500P-TL 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: LNK500P-TL
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内容描述: 高效节能, CV或CV / CC切换为非常低的成本适配器和充电器 [Energy Efficient, CV or CV/CC Switcher for Very Low Cost Adapters and Chargers]
文件页数/大小: 20 页 / 503 K
品牌: POWERINT [ Power Integrations ]
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However, in laboratory bench tests, it is often more convenient  
output current and gradually increasing the load. In this case,  
the optocoupler feedback regulates the output voltage until the  
peakoutputpowercurveisreachedasshowninFigure8. Under  
these conditions, the output current will continue to rise until  
the peak power point is reached and the optocoupler turns off.  
Once the optocoupler is off, the CONTROL pin feedback  
current is determined only by R1 and R3 and the output current  
therefore folds back to the inherent CC characteristic as shown.  
Since this type of load transition does not normally occur in a  
constant current value in the actual application.  
The secondary of the transformer is rectified and filtered by D6  
and C5 to provide the DC output to the load.  
LinkSwitch dramatically simplifies the secondary side by  
controlling both the constant voltage and constant current  
regions entirely from the primary side. This is achieved by  
monitoring the primary-side VOR (voltage output reflected).  
Diode D5 and capacitor C4 form the primary clamp network.  
and provides a voltage across C4, which is equal to the VOR plus  
an error due to the parasitic leakage inductance. Resistor R2  
filters the leakage inductance spike and reduces the error in the  
valueoftheVOR. ResistorR1convertsthisvoltageintoacurrent  
that is fed into the CONTROL pin to regulate the output.  
In some applications it may be necessary to avoid any output  
currentovershoot,independentofthedirectionof loadvariation.  
To achieve this goal, the minimum voltage feedback threshold  
should be set at VO(MAX). This will ensure that the voltage at the  
CC to CV transition point of the inherent characteristic will  
always occur below the voltage feedback threshold. However,  
theoutputvoltagetoleranceisthenincreased, sincetheinherent  
CV characteristic tolerance below VO(MAX) is added to the  
tolerance of the optocoupler feedback circuit.  
During CV operation the output is regulated through control of  
the duty cycle. As the current into the CONTROL pin exceeds  
approximately 2 mA, the duty cycle begins to reduce, reaching  
30% at a CONTROL pin current of 2.3 mA.  
Under light or no-load conditions, when the duty cycle reaches  
approximately 4%, the switching frequency is reduced to lower  
energy consumption.  
Applications Example  
If the output load is increased beyond the peak power point  
(defined by 0.5·L·I2·f), the output voltage and VOR falls. The  
reduced CONTROL pin current will lower the internal  
LinkSwitch current limit (current limit control) providing an  
is increased and the CONTROL pin current falls below  
approximately 1 mA, the CONTROL pin capacitor C3 will  
discharge and the supply enters auto-restart.  
The circuit shown in Figure 9 shows a typical implementation  
of an approximate constant voltage / constant current (CV/CC)  
charger using LinkSwitch. This design delivers 2.75 W with a  
nominal peak power point voltage of 5.5 V and a current of  
500 mA. Efficiency is greater than 70% over an input range of  
85 VAC to 265 VAC.  
The bridge rectifier, BR1, rectifies the AC input. Resistor, RF1  
is a fusible type providing protection from primary side short  
circuits. The rectified AC is smoothed by C1 and C2 with  
inductor L1 forming a pi-filter in conjunction with C1 and C2  
to filter conducted EMI. The switching frequency of 42 kHz  
allows such a simple EMI filter to be used without the need for  
a Y capacitor while still meeting international EMI standards.  
Current limit control removes the need for any secondary side  
current sensing components (sense resistor, transistor, opto  
coupler and associated components). Removing the secondary  
sense circuit dramatically improves efficiency, giving the  
associated benefit of reduced enclosure size.  
Key Application Considerations  
Design Output Power  
When power is applied, high voltage DC appears at the DRAIN  
pin of LinkSwitch (U1). The CONTROL pin capacitor C3 is then  
internally between the DRAIN and CONTROL pins. When the  
CONTROL pin reaches approximately 5.6 V relative to the  
SOURCE pin, the internal current source is turned off. The  
starts to switch, using the energy in C3 to power the IC.  
Table 1 (front page) provides guidance for the maximum  
continuous output power from a given device under the  
conditions specified.  
The output of chargers (CV/CC) are normally specified at the  
typical output peak power point. Conversely, non-charger  
applications (CV only, which applies to many converters such  
as adapters, standby/auxiliary supplies and other embedded  
AC-DC converters) where CC operation is not required, are  
normally specified at the minimum output power they will  
supply under worst case conditions.  
When the MOSFET is on, the high voltage DC bus is connected  
to one end of the transformer primary, the other end being  
connected to primary return. As the current ramps in the  
primary of flyback transformer T1, energy is stored. This  
energy is delivered to the output when the MOSFET turns off  
each switching cycle.  